Unleashing data cleaning & processing for concise and valuable data
Now that you have developed your target market, data cleaning & processing will help guarantee that your chosen customers actually receive your message. Whether you are using a spreadsheet, a transactional database, or even recipe cards, Russell House Marketing will help you update and maintain your customer list(s) – it’s critical if you want to communicate in a meaningful way.
What can I do with my in-house list?
Imagine knowing your customers so well that you can speak to each one as an individual and address their specific needs. Can you picture making them an offer that they appreciate and respond to? Imagine a relationship so deep that price is the last consideration. You can achieve this with your list, and we are ready to help you. We can walk you through the process, from data entry to one-to-one customer segmentation.
Data cleaning & Processing and updating your in-house list?
There are a variety of data services that we offer to help maintain and clean your data:
List Review:
- Evaluation & Audit to see what will be required for your list.
- In-house Database Analysis
- Donor Database Analysis for non-profits
- Data Preparation and Quality Control
National Change of Address (NCOA):
- Never lose track of a customer again. If your customer moves and registers a change of address with Canada Post, you can still reach them.
- Every year, millions of Canadians move; stay in touch with your customers with our National Change of Address (NCOA™) Mover Data service. Maintain the accuracy of your mailing lists with Canada’s most comprehensive, up-to-date source of mover information.
- We update your list with the NCOA Mover Data. Mover Data Services form a privacy-compliant database that contains millions of mover records.
- More about National Change of Address (NCOA)
Address Accuracy:
- It might not always be 100% correct based on who is inputting your data. We can ensure that all of your targeted customers are mailable before sending out a piece they won’t receive.
- Mailing List Cleaning and deduping to meet Canada Post specifications
- Have more than one list, or are you worried about duplicates? We can ensure that these issues are addressed before you send John Smith 8 of the same letter.
- Utilizing Data Services’ merge/purge and suppression services helps eliminate duplicates and eliminate unwanted, unproductive, and even undeliverable records. In the case of direct mail, it reduces your related print, postage, and production costs.
- This strategic service produces the best list of names to contact for mail, email, advertising, or fundraising donor efforts.
What if I don’t have a customer list?
No problem. We can help you find your target customers in other ways:
- Direct Marketing List Rentals: Find your target audience through their other interests. We help you pick the right list to get the best response.
- Unaddressed Lists Bulk Mail: Find your target audience through various StatsCan filters, including age, geographic location, average income, etc. – the list is endless.
Whether you have your own list, are looking to rent one, or simply want to send out your offer to a specific geographic area, our Direct Marketing Advisors can help you determine which strategy works best for you – contact us today.